Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blender issues

Applying UV's is surprisingly well solved, working with them is another thing. You can have different selections in the 3D view aswell as in the UV-editor. Sounds great at first, but it brings along problems. The UV-editor for example is only showing faces i selected in the 3D-view, unselected ones are invisible. I see the principle behind it, but i'm not all too sure about how practical that is. It leads to other problems, like the next one.

- I didn't find a quick way to determine how the selection from the UV-editor correlates to the ones in the 3D-view. I have one face selected in the UV editor, which one is it on the model? This is especially annoying when you haven't finished the UV-seams-setup for the unwrap. Beside several well unwrapped bodyparts I ended up with one big blob of uvs that i didn't know what it belonged to. So selecting that piece alone didn't give me a hint. The only option was to select various parts of the model in the 3D view and check back wether it would include the blob-UVs. I hope it's just me who does something wrong...

Edit: I have the solution. It's of course trivial, i just didn't find the correct button. It's surprisingly called "Keep UV and edit mode mesh selection in sync"!

- The only format that i found to export the UVs for texturing was to EPS or SVG. I didn't find any bitmap-format and if i want to use phtoshop for texturing, i guess i have to go through another program to convert that, as my PS version isn't up for SVG. Maybe i find me a plugin somehwere...

- The texture placement of the 3D view doesn't really represent the actual texture placement you'll get when rendering. For my little skin-man i used several options of the file-texture. For the skin i changed the size of the mapping, as i have a small skin texture applied to a human-sized figure. The 3D view is not updating any of that. For the eyes i used a simple texture of a pupil. I turned off the texture repeating and again the 3D view didn't acknowledge for that. Bugger!

- The blend modes in the textures seem to work differently than layer blend modes in Photoshop. I tried "overlay", in which a perfect 50% gray isn't making any difference to a picture in Photoshop. In Blender it seems to darken the material. If it is only layed over the diffuse texture, then it's calculated differently than in Photoshop. This way i am not really trustful in the other blend modes. I'm not saying that Blender is doing them wrong, i am just used to the Photoshop ones.


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