Wednesday, December 20, 2006

You don't know Jack returns...

Just heard some great news: You don't know Jack, the probably best home-quiz-game on earth, is coming again with a new installment. And the best: As a marketing idea they give one episode of "DisOrDat" for free every day... Wicked!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Play with your face!

Again i found something to play around with my face... simple coincidence, i am not especially narcistic. A website called Face Transformer can give you an idea what you would look like as an asian, child, woman or a monkey!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Total change!

So, i finally made a complete change here making this page my personal homepage with link, with pictures, links, some contact info and this blog. All my graphic stuff went over to, so take a look over there if you're interested. I hope you like the new look.

Well, how does it go for me at the moment? I am pretty much waiting for my job to come along. Christmas is next week, so i will go for Graz visiting family and stuff. And unbelieveable: I can live from my workless money! I even spared something like 200 Euros this month! It is good when you can surprise yourself once in a while...

Damn FTP!!!

Hmpfr... something went wrong with the FTP-Access from blogger. Lets see if posting still works.