Tuesday, February 24, 2009

As if we didn't know this so far, but it's good a big company speaks out:

Valve says games are too expensive!

I bought like 10 games at that promotional offer back then, i'm glad i could help!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh, before i forget: There was another great Austrian "I want some attention therefore i behave like a raving moron and police aswell as media paint me as a dangerous criminal" incident yesterday. In upper Styria a 55 year old guy claimed that he was holding a german tramper girl hostage and threatened to blow up the building. His demands were the reopening of some trials against him whose judgement he didn't approve and instead viewed it as unfair and as a conspiracy against his person.

In detail he was held guilty of having made dangerous threats against various people. And the best way to enforce a commission to prove his innocence is to make further dangerous threats?! Brilliant, way to go! Quite a confused fella... He sent tons of letters to all kind of personalities including various judges, the austrian president, big newspapers, etc. claiming being a victim of ruthless and corrupt law officials. His "final letter" even tries to paint him as a mixture between Robin Hood and David (in opposition to Austrian law-holders posing as Goliath) and describes what he wants to be imprinted on his gravestone: "The lawful is mortal and has to step down, but his light shines on". Words of a martyr truly!

Nevertheless, the whole thing ended unbloody. After communication breakdown with the suspect around 2:00 o'clock Austrian special forces "Cobra" stormed the building and after some confusion due to a released fire extinguisher, they could arrest the man who was hiding underneath a blanket (i am intrigued wether he was really hiding or thats what media made out of him just gone to bed). No hostage was found (alltough they might want to take another look at the basement?) and the man admitted that there never was any. He probably chose german nationality to gain german media coverage additional to austrian. Beside some gasoline and molotov cocktails the police also found a rather sophisticated weapon: a knife mounted on a stick! I wonder what the guy had in mind with that... Wave it before the SpecOps shoot him?

Austria is really a sacred island sometimes.
I found a great documentary about AIDS/HIV.

The Age of AIDS: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.

Each episode is about 50 minutes. So the whole thing is quite long, but definately worth watching.
Super Comment vom Standard-Forum über Richard Lugner, dem "successful Austrian entrepreneur".

Richard Lugner ist die Rache der Kleinbürger an den Superreichen
Weil sich unsere obrigkeitshörigen Untertanen niemals zu einer Revolution haben durchringen können, haben sie Richard Lugner erfunden, der ihre Phantasien auf die dunkelste Art verkörpert. Seine pöbelhafte Kulturlosigkeit, die andere als Mut zum Peinlichen sehen, ist die treffendste Antwort auf die Walzerseligkeit Reicher und Schöner.
Keine Antiopernballdemo hat diese Veranstaltung tiefer denunzieren können, als der Lugner mit seinen Pornostargästen, seiner neureichen Verschwendungssucht und seinem unbeholfenen Kretinismus. Lugner ist ein typischer Österreicher: Er will von jenen anerkannt, die ihn verachten, weil sein Untertanengeist immer zum Stiefel zurückkehrt, der ihn in den Staub tritt.

sicklikejosef vom Standardforum

Und dem hab ich nix mehr hinzuzufügen...