Thursday, March 20, 2008

World of hypocrazy

Stanford researchers developing 3-D camera with 12,616 lenses.

Sounds awesome. A little like a Pro-Version of the ZCam thing i posted down there. And? What are your first thoughts you could use that? Games? 3D-graphics? Fun? Yea, well... not quite what these people thought of first:

One obvious potential use of the technology: facial recognition for security purposes.

Yes. Security. Nowadays the same as surveillance. Whole world goes crazy because fear of terror. Seems like every inventions perceived value is the usability for this security purpose. What's wrong with this world?!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I bought Gary's Mod, as i intend to create a vid to my song... News will soon revealed ;-)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Z Cam!

Now this is awesome:

Z Camera

This is camera similar to eye toy, but with a major difference: It measures depth instead of light. Why is that important? Because this thing really can "see" your hands, your fingers, your head and doesn't get distracted with background or other stuff. In the vid it is mainly shown as a sort of game device, but actually i think this thing could change the way we use computer radically (and this comes from a rather pessimistic person when the topic is "predicted revolutions").

The guy in the vid mentions it shortly: Minority report! Tom Cruise handling the computer with his bare hands moving in midair looked technically hardly feasible back then, but with it seems trivial. If they could make real holograms aswell, this is the only realistic technology that could make us control these kinds of visuals, because it looks very stable, you don't need to wear special "gear" to use it and this way of controling "things" is just very intuitive, after all: what's easier to handle things than using your hands?

And there are just more and more ideas for it: Think of using that Z-buffer it delivers as a mask for a video image of the same source and voilá! You are within your game! Not just a sily image, no, you are there as a 3D body!

One word: Awesome!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Transformers Stop Motion!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Indy 4 final poster...

The final poster is out now! Indiana Jones IV doesn't have to go without (a final) one anymore. But looking at it, i couldn't resist...

I think he's too old.

Kommentar Niederösterreichische Landtagswahl...

Die Niederösterreicher sind ein eigenes Volk. Aber die burgenländischen Serben, die in Niederösterreich leben, umso mehr. Vom Standard-Forum (ungeschnitten!):

"ich serbe aus bg. wohnhaft in nö habe fpö gewählt, bisher fast immer spö, aber wegen der kosovo politik von gusi(ca) war es anders nicht möglich.
das werden wohl die 7% serben gewesen sein die bisher immer rot gewählt hABEN.
freue mich schon auf die nationalratswahlen. in wien leben noch mehr serben und ich weiss schon wem sie wählen werden!!!"

No, da weiss einer, was er will. Freiflug nach Serbien mit zwei Beamten der Exekutive...? Das ist noch echte Ironie.