Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This basically tells the old story of "Can u make me bla bla for xxx and maybe for free?" Loads of people can't see creative work as what it is: hard work. Even if it doesn't look like it to you, you ignorant fool. I myself was asked to lower my price for an illustration because "i know i an artist who does a logo for half of what you want..." Yea well, can he do quality illus?

To make my point more precise, i link here to the NO!SPEC homepage!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Death Metal!

The Mythbuster found out that plants grow better with constant death metal music! Even better than with classical music. Brilliant!

To find out more about their experiments, you can find all results at

Self-Cleaning Underwear...

Yippie, one of the biggest problems in human existence got finally solved! Scientists working for the US-Airforce finally succeeding in creating self cleaning underwear! God bless America...

Monday, January 01, 2007

Oh god...

They finally hanged Saddam Hussein, how wonderful for the world. Did anybody see the footage of the white house announcement? Reporters and visitors were cheering the comment about Husseins death as if somebody would have had announced "free beer!"

Being that happy about having a person killed is pretty sick in my point of view. The politically important actions were all over already, he was trialed and found guilty. All what comes after now is morbid lust of voyeurism. That existed back in medieval times and keeps on to now.